Alright folks, strap in, because I get to interview another one of my super amazing close friends! She's amazing and super talented, and even though she hasn't been in the cosplay community for very long, she's hitting the ground running and I am just super proud of her. We first cosplayed together in the Inuyasha group I was a part of last year, as well as the Fast Food Gijinka group. This year, we're planning a couple more, and she's even agreed to be my Black Canary for when I whip out Green Arrow (In fact, she inspired me to finally put him on my cosplay queue officially.) Alright, so without further ado, the ever talented, amazing, incredulous Yomuchan_Cosplay.
What are your social media(s) yomuchan_cosplay (Instagram)
How long have you been cosplaying? It will be a year in May 2019!
What got you into Cosplay? What actually got me sucked into my first group was my love of Inuyasha, but what kept me going was the friendships I formed with the people in that group and the kindness and encouragement (or shall we call it, conscripting force?) that they showed me. I had always admired cosplay but without friends like those, I would never have had the courage to try it or stick with it.
Favourite Costume? Was it bought or made? That's a difficult one to choose, but I think at this point I would say my Cinnabon gijinka. I only ended up modding a prop myself, and had an apron made by Justin (@wicked_warlock_cosplay). The rest of the pieces were bought, but I felt like it came together and expressed my original vision of the costume very well! (Which is so true, I fell in love with her in that cosplay <3)
What are your goals as a cosplayer? To hopefully improve my makeup and sewing skills to the point where I can make my own makeup looks and tailor costumes to fit me better.
Which Cosplayer inspired you to cosplay? I have been inspired by all my friends who got me into this crazy world of cosplay! Before then, I didn't have any knowledge of specific cosplayers.
What is your Dream Cosplay? Maleficent, the Angelina Jolie version
Favourite Skill of Cosplay? (Wig work, sewing, armor, etc) The skill I admire most is armor creation, because I've attempted it and it's incredibly difficult for me!
Photographer credits: Mouzycat Photography (@mouzycatphotography): Sango Mckeltie Photography (@mckeltiephotograhy): Cinnabon and Maika, edit by Lauren (@melancholymaiden)