The most important rule in cosplay is to have fun. Yes, it's always cool to get followers and create a community around you, but it's most important to be happy in your experiences as a cosplayer. Timeline Cosplay wears what THEY want to wear and not let others tell them what they should or should not cosplay. Looking through their social medias, I only saw a couple of characters I was familiar with, but the rest of their stuff looked fantastic! So if you have the opportunity, definitely give them a follow, it's well-worth it.
What are your social medias? I'm Timeline_Obscurus_Cosplay on Instagram and @TimelineCosplay on Facebook. I'm also Seungmina56 on Twitter, but I primarily use Facebook.
How long have you been cosplaying? 18-19 years.
What got you into Cosplay? I really can't do much in the way of art, but I know my way around a sewing machine. I started making outfits because I wanted to dress up like my favorite characters and it kind of spiraled from there. There's also the side effect of liking a lot of obscure video games and anime. I can't find a lot of that kind of thing premade, and I can't normally afford a commissioner. So I kind of started making my own, because I wanted them to exist. The characters I found so beloved I wanted to make them exist and that made all the difference.
Favourite Costume? Was it bought or made? My favorite costumes are currently Tailor Lamina from Valkyrie Connect and Lady Three from Drakengard Three. I made both of them.
What are your goals as a cosplayer? I know I probably won't see much popularity, so I focus on working on bettering myself and making my awesomely obscure outfits and sharing my love of it with others. I want to make epic armors and clothes though, and I'm learning a lot of new things as I go. I also am a bit of a con mom, and like taking care of others and helping out when I can. The friends I have made over the past few years I've really gotten involved in the community are some of the best! I want to keep being an incredible member of this awesome community.
Which Cosplayer inspired you to cosplay? I didn't have a cosplayer to inspire me back in the day. Though my best friend Sarah made a Card Captor Sakura outfit for the first con we ever went to together, so I suppose you can say that inspired me. She no longer cosplays but loves seeing and hearing about my exploits in the world of it. She pretty much taught me everything I know and even helped me with my Sailor Jupiter Cosplay years ago.
Dream Cosplay? I really either want to do fantastic justice to Lina Inverse from Slayers, Balsa from Moribito Guardian of the Spirit or the Seltas Queen G-Rank Armor from Monster Hunter 3. Some of these are more complex, or simple, but I want to feel like I can do them justice in every which way. I have a dream cosplay group that I am running this year for Daishocon 2019. I'm hoping its pulled off the way I want it to.
Favourite Skill of Cosplay? (Wig work, sewing, armor, etc) I love to sew so much, but there's a certain joy I've found in working with armor. Both of those are high up for me. I can sit at a sewing machine for hours and be happy listening to youtube or friends on discord, or using a heat gun to meld armor pieces to my body and then painting them. I've done a lot when it comes to various skills and have more I'll be working on, but there's really honestly nothing quite like the hum of a sewing machine, though mine's a bit more loud.

Photographer credit: Kizzmet Photography