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Meet SeiferNoir!

Writer's picture: SeiferNoirSeiferNoir

Hey friends, it's ya boi, SeiferNoir, aka Seifer's Stitches. This is the first post of the "Cosplayers Interview" section of my blog! I thought it would be great for you all to get to know me a little and what I expect of myself as a cosplayer, business owner, and person in general.

First off, I'm currently 25 years old and have been cosplaying for 10 years! I started in 2008, at a high school anime club lock-in. My first cosplay was Sasuke Uchiha and it was partially made my by grandmother and partially by myself! You can see the pictures of Sasuke in the slideshow. Ever since then, I've been hooked!

You can find me on Facebook as Seifers Stitches, and Instagram as @Seifernoir. Please give a follow, as I post sales and work in progresses on those pages!

I got into cosplay by wanting to be the big Emo King Sasuke himself, and it just got out of hand from there. Most of my cosplays were made by modifying preconstructed pieces, but have moved on to creating my own patterns and pieces!

My favorite cosplay that I have done thus far is probably Battle Bunny Riven or Hero Bakugou. Those two were completed over the Summer and have been so fun and comfy to wear. I was able to work with foam a lot for those two and I'm really proud to say I made both of them myself! I was also able to get a photo shoot with MouzeycatPhotography for Riven, and xxStardustphotography (both can be found on Instagram through those usernames.) Hopefully, I will be able to interview Stardust at some point. Mouzey is such a sweetheart. (Her interview can be found under the "Photographer Interviews."

My goals as a cosplayer are to bring equality to cosplay, as well as provide a safe space for my fellow cosplayers. Cosplay is meant for everyone, no matter your gender, size, race, age, or whether you buy or make your cosplays. I can't even begin to talk about what else I believe in or that would encompass the entire post!

I was inspired to cosplay by seeing my friends in their costumes and I was specifically trying to mimic my friend Christa in high school. She was someone I looked up to like crazy in high school. She's still a wonderful person and I hope I can interview her as well!

My dream cosplay is one I hope to get started on in the next year or so; Carolina from RWBY. I've never made a full armor cosplay and I'm hoping it will look half as amazing as some of my friends look!

This leads into my favorite skills of cosplay. I love wig styling, as well as the actual patterning of clothing pieces. It's why I enjoy making kigus so much!


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