Hello! If you're looking for this blog post, you're interested in the Pokemon I have yet to make into onesies/kigurumis! I will update this as I can and will have the latest update listed below. Just because the Pokemon is not listed below, does not mean that I'm not willing to make it! While my goal has always been to Sew Em All, I know that some folks enjoy a classic!
If you would like to see the Kigudex photos, please follow this link: www.seifersstitches.com/pokemon-portfolio
Updated: February 4th, 2025
Pokemon Crossed off/Completed: 777
Pokemon still to go (with current released): 374
Gen 1/Kanto:
Kakuna - Mega Beedrill - Spearow - Fearow - Venonat - Alolan Diglett - Dugtrio - Alolan Dugtrio - Mankey - Machoke - Weepinbell - Geodude - Alolan Geodude - Graveler - Alolan Graveler - Alolan Golem - Galarian Slowpoke - Mega Slowbro - Magneton - Galarian Farfetch'd - Alolan Grimer - Kingler - Hisuian Voltorb - Hisuian Electrode - Exeggcute - Hitmonlee - Weezing - Galarian Weezing - Galarian Mr. Mime - Mega Pinsir - Galarian Moltres
Gen 2/Johto:
Ledyba - Ledian - Lanturn - Sudowoodo - Jumpluff - Aipom - Sunkern - Sunflora - Yanma - Paldean Wooper - Murkrow - Pineco - Forretress - Qwilfish - Hisuian Qwilfish - Mega Heracross - Magcargo - Piloswine - Remorraid - Kingdra - Porygon 2 - Hitmontop - Smoochum - Magby - Pupitar
Gen 3/Hoenn:
Mega Sceptile - Combusken - Galarian Linoone - Dustox - Shiftry - Taillow - Swellow - Surskit - Shroomish - Vigoroth - Ninjask - Whismur - Makuhita - Nosepass - Meditite - Medicham - Mega Manectric - Gulpin - Wailmer - Camerupt - Mega Camerupt - Torkoal - Trapinch - Vibrava - Corphish - Baltoy - Claydol - Castform (Basic form not available) - Chimecho - Wynaut - Glalie - Mega Glalie -Huntail - Gorebyss - Relicanth - Luvdisc - Bagon - Shelgon - Beldum - Metang - Registeel - Mega Latios
Gen 4/Sinnoh
Grotle - Monferno - Staravia - Kricketot - Kricketune - Cranidos - Bastiodon - Burmy (Trash not available) - Wormadam (Sand is not available) - Combee - Vespiquen - Cherrim - Shellos (west sea) - Ambipom - Glameow - Purugly - Bronzor - Bronzong - Bonsly - Gabite - Hippopotas - Skorupi - Lumineon - Snover - Abomasnow - Mega Abomasnow - Lickilicky - Tangrowth - Porygon Z - Probopass - Uxie - Azelf - Hisuian Palkia
Gen 5/Unova
Pignite - Patrat - Watchog - Lillipup - Purrloin - Pansage - Simisage - Pansear - Simisear - Panpour - Simipour - Pidove - Tranquill - Unfezant - Blitzle - Roggenrola - Boldore - Drillbur - Excadrill - Timburr - Gurdurr - Conkeldurr - Tympole - Seismitoad - Throh - Sawk - Sewaddle - Swadloon - Cottonee - Basculin (Red, Blue, or Hisuian) - Sandile - Krokorok - Darmanitan - Galar Darmanitan - Dwebble - Crustle - Galar Yamask - Tirtouga - Carracosta - Archen - Gothita - Solosis - Duosion - Ducklett - Swanna - Vanilluxe - Karrablast - Escavalier - Foongus - Amoongus - Frillish - Jellicent - Alomomola - Ferroseed - Klink - Tynamo - Eelektric - Beheyeem - Cryogonal - Shelmet - Accelgor - Galar Stunfisk - Mienfoo - Druddigon - Pawniard - Rufflet - Braviary - Vullaby - Mandibuzz - Heatmor - Zweilos - Terrakion - Virizion - Genesect
Gen 6/Kalos
Quilladin - Chesnaught - Froakie - Diggersby - Fletchinder - Spewpa - Florges - Spritzee - Swirlix - Binacle - Barbaracle - Heliolisk - Hisuian Sliggoo - Bergmite - Avalugg - Hisuian Avalugg
Heracross - Pinsir - Abomasnow - Manectric - Camerupt - Latios - Slowbro - Sceptile - Glalie
Gen 7/Alola
Pikipek - Gumshoos - Grubbin - Charjabug - Bruxish - Ribombee - Steenee - Minior - Fomantis - Oricorio (Excluding Pom Pom, Sensu) - Sandygast - Wishiwashi (Single) - Morelull - Crabrawler - Crabominable - Passimian - Oranguru - Dhelmise - Dewpider - Araquanid - Tapu Fini - Tapu Koko - Tapu Bulu - Kartana - Celesteela - Xurkitree - Pheremosa - Naganadel - Melmetal
Gen 8/Galar
Thwackey - Drizzile - Rookidee - Corvisquire - Skwovet - Greedent - Dubwool - Gossifluer - Milcery - Blipbug - Dottler - Orbeetle - Hatenna - Arrokuda - Barroskewda - Silicobra - Sandaconda - Sinistea - Rolycoly - Carkoal - Coalossal - Cufant - Copperajah - Morgrem - Grapploct - Duraludon - Stonejourner - Indeedee (Male available) - Flapple - Eiscue - Drakloak - Dracozolt - Arctovish - Kubfu - Urshifu (Rapid or Single Strike) - Regieleki - Regidrago - Glastrier - Calyrex
Legends of Arceus (Hisui regionals)
Kleavor - Basculegion (Red or Blue) - Wyrdeer
9th Generation (Pokemon Violet and Scarlet)
Quaxwell - Lechonk - Oinkologne - Tarountula - Spidops - Nymble - Lokix - Pawmo - Smoliv - Dolliv - Arboliva - Squawkabilly - Nacli - Naclstack - Garganacl - Tadbulb - Bellibolt - Wattrel - Kilowattrel - Maschiff - Shroodle - Bramblin - Brambleghast - Toedscool - Toedscruel - Klawf - Capsakid - Scovillian - Rellor - Rabsca - Flittle - Espathra - Tinkatink - Tinkatuff - Wiglett - Wugtrio - Bombirdier - Palafin - Varoom - Revavaroom - Orthworm - Glimmet - Glimmora - Houndstone - Flamigo - Cetitan - Veluza - Annihiliape - Great Tusk - Scream Tail - Brute Bonnet - Sandy Shocks - Iron Treads - Iron Bundle - Iron Hands - Iron Moth - Iron Thorns - Frigibax - Arctibax - Gimmighoul - Ting-Lu - Iron Leaves - Dipplin - Poltchageist - Sinistcha - Okidogi - Munkidori - Fezandipiti - Archaludon - Gouging Fire - Raging Bolt - Iron Boulder - Iron Crown - Terapagos - Pecharunt