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Daishocon 2018 Review

Writer's picture: SeiferNoirSeiferNoir

Good morning friendos! Back after a long weekend in Wisconsin Dells, I was able to spend a great time at the Kalahari in the Dells. I wasn't able to stay at the resort, but was less than a half mile from the con at the Holiday Inn Express. I took three cosplays myself, but only wore Tiana and Blastoise, and spent the Sunday at the water park with my Significant Other. The perfect end to an amazing weekend.

Upon arriving on Friday, we of course went to go get our badges. Luckily, my buddy Duo had pre-ordered mine and had picked it up. We weren't sure if Tolia was going to be going Friday or Saturday, so he did not pre-register until we got there. The wait was a little ridiculous, winding up from the actual Registration room to the hall, which was already crowded, then up the stairs (cutting it in half for the rest of foot traffic), and up across the sky walk. I don't believe they made it all the way across the walk, and the wait wasn't immensely long. Tolia only waited about half an hour, but he was also able to pre-register on his phone and then move into the pre-reg line. While he was waiting, I was able to peruse the vendor's hall.

The vendor's hall was not as big as it was last year, but it was as crowded as the previous year, and that's devastating if you have fragile or bulky cosplays. The only disappointment is that the vendor's hall wasn't nearly as impressive as last year, and it was a lot of the same items at each booth. I usually find quite a few items I want to purchase, but unfortunately, I was only able to find like, two or three items. I did finally purchase one of the mirror hats with the words on them, but was hoping to find some Jojo's books to really get into it.

I was able to find a ton of Jojo's merch in the Artist Alley. I am kind of weary when I see Artists being put in the hall, because a theft is much more devastating. Luckily, I didn't hear of any thefts, but most artists did pack up after they called it quits. I was able to purchase three key chains from an AMAZING artist who also made body pillows. It is really difficult to find Devilman Crybaby merchandise, so I was super ecstatic to find her Ryo and Akira key chains. I also got fantasy Bakugou, since her Aizawa was sold out. I really wish I would have grabbed a card or took a picture to plug her business, because the product is definitely worth it.

So, overall, I think the Vendor's Hall/Artist Alley has earned a 7/10. There could have been more diversity, but I'm sure that it all boils down to the people putting in applications.

After the Dealer's Area, Tolia and I walked around the con, taking in the cosplayers, as well as figuring out if there were any panels we wanted to go to. Unfortunately, there weren't a lot of panels I was really interested in. I did want to meet the voice actor for Finn the Human/Lance from Voltron, but it didn't pan into my schedule. I also was able to see one of my favourite Moonies KoalaCosplay (She's an angel), and caught a glimpse of ModeratelyOkay Cosplay (I don't really care for him as a person, but that's neither here nor there.)

The convention itself was a party, which was great! It was a great environment. The only complaint about the partying that I had was that there were a few minors asking legal people for alcohol and that's no good. I despise seeing minors do that. If you're going to be dumb and underage drink, do it at home where you won't get hurt. The only account of stupidity I witnessed was someone posting in the Facebook group about someone getting Alcohol Poisoning on Thursday before the Convention even started. This is my friendly reminder to be safe while partying and drinking. Make sure to drink plenty of water and eat real food to soak up that extra booze.

I myself partied a little and was able to enjoy the photoshoot Mouzeycat Photography (Aurora), Melancholy_Maiden ( Elsa), Lakintanohime (Merida), Yomuchan_Cosplay (Belle), and Emma (Rapunzel) were able to get together for! The main photo with all six of us as the cover photo and first of the slideshow is the first half of our Wreck-It Ralph Casual Princess group! As Tiana, I received plenty of compliments on my kigu, and I wasn't able to get the news from the other girls, but it seemed overwhelmingly positive.

One setback is that I left my make up bag in the bathroom, but was #blessed to have a kind soul turn it into the lost and found, as it had my contact cases and at least $75 worth of make up. Thank you, whomever you are.

Blastoise was relatively easy to get into, but I only had one person guess my cosplay without me telling them. It's my fault, but hopefully I will learn my lesson later. Mouzeycat was also able to squeeze me into a quick shoot after the cosplay contest. I appreciate her so much and plan on working with her to bring you all prints.

I give the atmosphere AND the locations for pictures are always 10/10.

The pricing for the water park's passes were a bit ridiculous, and they went from $45 last year to $60 per day this year. If you had a room at the Kalahari, the passes come with the room, but you better make sure you book your room before they run out. They also didn't allow flash for the cameras, so make sure you and your photographer are aware of that.

I did make a few new friends through the cosplay contest, by the water park, and even through Tinder! Creating these connections is great and makes me feel so happy and at home, so far from my bed. Tolia made it so much easier by running errands and just taking care of me in general. He also let me put him in the Naveen kigu I made for him. I know he won't wanna wear it much more, so I will probably sell that and Tiana's kigu after the full group shoot in January, so be on the lookout for that ;).

All in all, Daisho was a fantastic con, and I definitely suggest going to it if you're near the Dells. They also have amazing attractions outside of the con, but my review is of the con itself, not the city, Lol. I definitely want to make it back next year, hopefully by being an artist or vendor, so message the Daishocon head (Don't harass them please) and let them know that they are missing out by not having Seifer's Stitches at their con.


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