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Mar 7, 20194 min read
How to Budget for Cosplay
I know I talked a bit about budget in my "Balancing Life and Cosplay" and my "Commissioning Artists" articles. But you also know just how...
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Mar 5, 20194 min read
Smol Might Wig Styling Tutorial
I told myself when I started watching My Hero Academia that I wasn't going to cosplay as anyone. And then Bakugou showed up and it was...
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Feb 26, 20194 min read
Staying Focused on the Project at Hand
We all have the problem where you look at a project and you get started, but then something comes and distracts you from your current...
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Feb 23, 20194 min read
Essential Kit for Wig Styling
If you haven't been paying attention (and that's alright, I know I'm not KamuiCosplay or anything) I've been on a bit of a wig kick...
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Feb 21, 20194 min read
How to Commission Artists
So, as you all know, I'm a Commission-based artist who goes to Anime and Comic Conventions, run my own website, and I take orders through...
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Feb 19, 20194 min read
Creating an Online Presence
Most people want validation on what they are doing. It's why we have so many different social medias to use. Honestly, it gets a little...
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Feb 16, 20194 min read
Balancing Life and Cosplay
If you're like me, your life IS cosplay. But not all of your money can go to buying the supplies for your next big build. There has to be...
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Feb 14, 20194 min read
Identifying Individuals in the Cosplay Community Who Promote a Healthy Atmosphere
There's been a LOT of negativity going around lately, what with cosplayers, photographers, and voice actors being called out on their...
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Feb 12, 20196 min read
Creating Cosplay Goals, and Sticking with Them
So, You've watched your anime, played your games, and you wanna cosplay from 800 different series, with 200 different costumes. Same....
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Feb 9, 20196 min read
Getting your Booth together
I've had my business for the past 7 years, and have sold at conventions for the past 4. I have done so much research that I hope to...
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Feb 7, 20194 min read
Erasing Doubt
I know I said I wanted this to be all about cosplay and how to make everyone that reads this into a better cosplayer, but I also want...
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Feb 5, 20193 min read
Finding a Good Cosplay Photographer
This has been asked of me by quite a few people on how I find photographers that are good at showcasing my costume while also being good...
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Feb 2, 20195 min read
Creating a Successful Blog
I know I haven't been running my blog for very long, but Tolia suggested that I give advice on how to run a successful blog. I appreciate...
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Jan 31, 20198 min read
Group Cosplays
As most of you know, I've been in the cosplay community since 2007. I have had my fair share of group cosplays, and most of them flopped,...
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Jan 24, 20195 min read
Being an Individual that Promotes Positivity
There is so much negativity in the world. This is a fact. It's a very depressing fact, but it's something we can try to change. It all...
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Jan 22, 20194 min read
Essential Kit for Conventions
Every con is different, but it's all relatively the same. You have your panels, guest meets, vendors hall, and all the amazing cosplays....
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Jan 18, 20194 min read
Makeup Advice
So, I would like to preface this article by saying that I am no expert with make up, but I have been working with it pretty regularly for...
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Jan 11, 20192 min read
Makeup Storage
As a cosplayer, whether you are male, female, both, or neither, make up is basically essential for any cosplay. And if you are anything...
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Nov 30, 20181 min read
Shoe Storage
If you're like me, you have two or three pairs of normal, everyday shoes, and about 20 pairs of cosplay shoes. Of course, you can't just...
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Nov 29, 20182 min read
Costume Storage
After all is said and done. The photo shoots are completed. The closing ceremonies for the convention have ended. And it's time to...
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